The Bible In Poems

  • Genesis 1 - Revelation 22. True to the Bible text.
  • Children read & listen to the poems & learn the Bible.
  • Entertaining and educational for adults as well.
  • Free to churches, schools and you!
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Poems by Ron Calugar

000 - True Love
001 - First Christmas Tree - Audio

002 - Amazing Grace

How to listen to the poems . . RSS

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Old Testament

Click the speaker icon Audio to listen to the poem

Beginning creation Adam Eve garden Eden
001 - In The Beginning: Genesis 1:1 - 2:15 Audio
Tree knowledge fall Adam Eve Satan devil temptation
002 - That Middle Tree: Genesis 2:16 - 3:24 Audio
Adam Eve Cain Abel Seth murder sacrifice lamb
003 - Cain, Able and Seth: Genesis 4:1 - 4:26 Audio
Noah flood ark rain Shem ham japheth
004 - Noah And The Flood: Genesis 5:1 - 8:14 Audio
Tower Babel Noah Shem ham japheth Languages Abraham Abram ur chaldees
005 - Tower Of Babel: Genesis 8:15 - 11:9 Audio
Abraham lot nephew Egypt Sarah Sarai, Abram Pharaoh famine Jordan Sodom worship altar
006 - Abram To Canaan: Genesis 11:10 - 13:18 Audio
Abraham lot nephew Sodom rescue
007 - Abram Rescues Lot: Genesis 14:1 - 14:24 Audio
Abraham promise kings child nation Hagar sarai Abram Isaac Ishmael Savior
008 - Abraham The Promise: Genesis 15:1 - 17:27 Audio
Abraham lot Sodom angels Sarah Gomorrah bargain
009 - Lot And Sodom: Genesis 18:1 - 20:18 Audio
Abraham Ishmael Sarah son Hagar promise Isaac
010 - Abraham And Ishmael: Genesis 21:1 - 21:34 Audio
Abraham Isaac Moriah sacrifice test savior
011 - Abraham And Isaac: Genesis 22:1 - 23:20 Audio
Isaac wife, Abraham servant camels Rebecca Laban
012 - Isaac's Wife: Genesis 24:1 - 24:67 Audio
Jacob esau birthright Rebecca Isaac Hunter venison
013 - Jacob And Esau's Birthright: Genesis 25:1 - 26:35 Audio
Jacob esau blessing Isaac Rebecca venison deceit
014 - Jacob And Esau's Blessing: Genesis 27:1 - 27:40 Audio
Jacob Laban Rachel Isaac Esau Rebecca ladder heaven dream shepherds haran seven deceit marriage. Leah
015 - Jacob Laban Rachel: Genesis 27:41 - 29:29 Audio
Jacob Laban wives Rebecca Leah cattle breeding wages idol
016 - Jacob Works For Laban: Genesis 29:30 - 31:35 Audio
Jacob esau laban Israel
017 - Jacob Faces Esau: Genesis 31:36 - 33:17 Audio
Joseph Jacob Caanan Benjamin coat colors dream Brothers Reuben slavery pit
018 - The Boy Joseph: Genesis 33:18 - 37:35 Audio
Joseph potaphar Pharaoh, Egypt prison Butler Baker dream, prisoner
019 - Joseph Potaphar To Pharoah: Genesis 37:36 - 41:40 Audio
Joseph ruler prince slave dream cows, Egypt pharaoh famine Jacob Benjamin Simeon Brothers
020 - Joseph The Ruler: Genesis 41:41 - 42:38 Audio
Joseph Brothers, Egypt Benjamin Judah Simeon Jacob cup
021 - Joseph The Brother: Genesis 43:1 - 45:24 Audio
Jacob Egypt Joseph Abram Abraham four hundred pharaoh Reuben Simeon Judah Zebulon Dan gad Asher naphtali Benjamin
022 - Jacob To Egypt: Genesis 44:25 - 49:33 Audio
Egypt slaves Joseph Pharaoh Israelites babies soldiers Nile River Moses
023 - Slaves In Egypt: Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:9 Audio
Moses Pharaoh princess Hebrews Jethro, zipporah flame bush desert Midian bush flame
024 - Moses Pharaoh's Grandson: Exodus 2:10 - 3:7 Audio
Bush flame burn four hundred Egypt Egyptians serpent rod zipporah Jethro Aaron Hebrews
025 - God Calls Moses: Exodus 3:8 - 4:31 Audio
Moses Pharaoh, Egypt sacrifice, worship slaves plagues water blood frogs flies. Lice
026 - Moses Before Pharaoh: Exodus 5:1 - 8:32 Audio
Egypt. Moses pharaoh plagues hail fire locust Passover feast firstborn
027 - Moses Six More Plagues: Exodus 9:1 - 12:32 Audio
Red Sea Moses, Egypt, Israel Pharaoh
028 - The Red Sea: Exodus 12:33 - 14:31 Audio
Pharaoh Hebrews praise
029 - Moses' Song: Exodus 15:1 - 15:22 Audio
Complain. Marah Moses journey wilderness quail mana
030 - Murmuring Israelites: Exodus 15:23 - 16:36 Audio
Murmured complained wilderness rephidim horeb amalek
031 - Water From A Rock: Exodus 17:1 - 17:7 Audio
Moses arms hur
032 - Joshua Fights Amalek: Exodus 17:8 - 17:16 Audio
Jethro Moses judge
033 - Moses Father-In-Law: Exodus 18:1 - 18:27 Audio
Sinai rephidim Mount laws
034 - The Ten Commandments: Exodus 19:1 - 31:18 Audio
Ten commandments Sinai Mount forty days idle calf. Aaron Joshua judgment three thousand dead
035 - The Golden Calf: Exodus 32:1 - 32:35 Audio
Moses intercession tablets tabernacle holy holies pillar fire cloud
036 - The Tabernacle: Exodus 33:1 - 40:38 Audio
Sacrifice burnt peace, sin trespass Moses
037 - Five Offerings: Leviticus 1:1 - 10:20 Audio
Sabbath Moses
038 - Clean, Unclean And The Sevens: Leviticus 11:1 - 27:34 Audio
Levi Tabernacle Sinai ark covenant candlesticks showbread sacrifice grease sampson Nazarite Moses
039 - Numbers & Levites: Numbers 1:1 - 6:27 Audio
Tabernacle Moses trumpets paran offerings sacrifice Sinai
040 - Offerings and Complaints: Numbers 7:1 - 12:15 Audio
Spy spies Canaan Joshua Caleb giants Moses
041 - 12 Spies: Numbers 13:1 - 15:41 Audio
Moses Aaron Miriam envy, Korah rebellion Levites
042 - Korah Rebels: Numbers 16:1 - 16:50 Audio
Moses Aaron rod budding tabernacle Levites
043 - Aaron's Budding Rod: Numbers 17:1 - 19:22 Audio
Moses provide strike speak
044 - Water From A Rock, Again: Numbers 20:1 - 20:13 Audio
Edom esau Moses Aaron Canaanite serpent Moab zared Amon Mount Pisgah, amorite
045 - The Wilderness Journey: Numbers 20:14 - 21:35 Audio
Moab King donkey
046 - Balak and Balaam: Numbers 22:1 - 22:41 Audio
Balak balaam moabites Joshua Caleb Moses forty years Canaan Jordan
047 - Moabites and Midianites: Numbers 23:1 - 36:13 Audio
Moses commandments, sacrifices feasts
048 - Moses Deuteronomy Review: Deuteronomy 1:1 - 33:29 Audio
Death Joshua Pisgah Jehovah buried
049 - Moses Dies: Deuteronomy 34:1 - 34:12 Audio
Jericho Joshua Jordan
050 - Rahab And The Spies: Joshua 1:1 - 2:24 Audio
Jordan River, Joshua soldier Angel Lord
051 - Joshua Crossing Jordan: Joshua 3:1 - 5:15 Audio
Walls flat March priest trumpets rahab
052 - Joshua Jericho: Joshua 6:1 - 6:27 Audio
Jericho Rahab
053 - Achan's Sin: Joshua 7:1 - 7:26 Audio
Ai Joshua
054 - Ai's Defeat: Joshua 8:1 - 8:35 Audio
055 - The Gibeonites Trick: Joshua 9:1 - 9:27 Audio
Amorite gibeon gilgal Joshua
056 - Israel's Promised Land: Joshua 10:1 - 10:43 Audio
Reuben gad Manasseh
057 - East And West Tribes: Joshua 11:1 - 22:34 Audio
058 - Joshua Dies: Joshua 23:1 - 24:33 Audio
Baalim baal
059 - Judges: Judges 1:1 - 2:23 Audio
Othniel cush Moab ammon eglon ehud eglon shamgar philistine
060 - Othniel, Ehud, & Shamgar: Judges 3:1 - 3:31 Audio
061 - Deborah is Judge: Judges 4:1 - 5:31 Audio
Midianites Joash
062 - God Calls Gideon: Judges 6:1 - 6:35 Audio
Midianites sign
063 - Gideon's Fleece: Judges 6:36 - 7:7 Audio
Midianites trumpet pitcher
064 - Gods Sword and Gideon: Judges 7:8 - 7:25 Audio
Idols shechem abimelech jephithah
065 - Abimelech: Judges 8:1 - 10:18 Audio
066 - Jephthah: Judges 11:1 - 11:40 Audio
Ephraim Gilead Philistines zorah manoah
067 - Jephthah To Samson: Judges 12:1 - 13:25 Audio
Judges Philistine timnath lion honey riddle wedding garments
068 - Samson at Timnath: Judges 14:1 - 14:20 Audio
Philistines jawbone ass
069 - Samson's Foxes And Jawbone: Judges 15:1 - 15:20 Audio
Gaza gate Hebron Nazarite
070 - Samson And Delilah: Judges 16:1 - 16:14 Audio
Delilah Nazareth dagon hair
071 - Samson Looses His Strength: Judges 16:15 - 16:31 Audio
Levite Micah Dan gibeah concubine
072 - Benjamin's Tribe: Judges 17:1 - 21:25 Audio
Husband mother-in-law
073 - Ruth and Naomi: Ruth 1:1 - 1:22 Audio
Naomi Boaz kin
074 - Ruth Works In The Field: Ruth 2:1 - 3:3 Audio
Naomi moabite David obed
075 - Ruth and Boaz: Ruth 3:3 - 4:22 Audio
Elkanah peninnah Eli prayed judge prophet
076 - Hannah Has Samuel: 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11 Audio
Hannah, Eli dream
077 - Samuel In The Temple: 1 Samuel 2:12 - 3:21 Audio
Samuel Eli sons covenant Dagon
078 - Philistines And The Ark: 1 Samuel 4:1 - 7:17 Audio
Philistines Samuel donkeys anointed
079 - Saul Is Made King: 1 Samuel 8:1 - 9:27 Audio
Ammonites Samuel gibeah
080 - Saul Begins To Lead: 1 Samuel 10:1 - 14:1 Audio
Philistines Saul
081 - Jonathan and Armor Bearer: 1 Samuel 14:2 - 14:20 Audio
Saul Honey
082 - Will Jonathan Die?: 1 Samuel 14:21 - 14:52 Audio
Philistines Moab ammonites amalekites
083 - Saul and Amalekites: 1 Samuel 15:1 - 16:12 Audio
So bethlehemite Jesse Bethlehem
084 - Samuel Anoints David: 1 Samuel 16:13 - 16:23 Audio
David Saul giant
085 - Goliath Challenges Israel: 1 Samuel 17:1 - 17:39 Audio
Saul giant battle
086 - David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:40 - 18:8 Audio
087 - Saul is Jealous of David: 1 Samuel 17:40 - 19:24 Audio
088 - David Runs From Saul: 1 Samuel 20:1 - 20:42 Audio
Priest shewbread Goliath sword adullam doeg Edomite ahimelek priest
089 - David Flees To Adullam: 1 Samuel 21:1 - 22:23 Audio
Cave Philistines engedi robe king
090 - David Spares Saul: 1 Samuel 23:1 - 24:22 Audio
Samuel paran
091 - David and Nabal: 1 Samuel 25:1 - 25:13 Audio
Nabal wife
092 - David and Abigail: 1 Samuel 25:14 - 25:44 Audio
093 - David Spares Saul Again: 1 Samuel 26:1 - 26:25 Audio
David Philistines ziklag achish Samuel
094 - Saul and The Witch: 1 Samuel 27:1 - 28:25 Audio
Israel David Philistines
095 - Amalekites Burn Ziklag: 1 Samuel 29:1 - 30:31 Audio
Philistines, David amalekites ziklag
096 - Saul and His Sons Die: 1 Samuel 31:1 - 1:27 Audio
Saul Jonathan Abner joab
097 - David Becomes King: 2 Samuel 2:1 - 5:25 Audio
David uzzah obededom dance michal
098 - The Covenant Ark: 2 Samuel 6:1 - 6:23 Audio
Philistines Ammon Temple tent
099 - Will David Build God's House?: 2 Samuel 7:1 - 7:29 Audio
Philistines mobites syrians amalekites ammon mephibosheth Bathsheba Uriah judgment penalty murder adultery Jonathan
100 - David The Warrior: 2 Samuel 8:1 - 11:27 Audio
Punishment adultery murder
101 - Nathan Visits David: 2 Samuel 12:1 - 12:9 Audio
Nathan Uriah Bethsheba Solomon
102 - David's Punishment: 2 Samuel 12:10 - 12:31 Audio
103 - Absalom and Amnon: 2 Samuel 13:1 - 18:33 Audio
Joab Absalom Sheba
104 - David Is King Again: 2 Samuel 19:1 - 20:26 Audio
Gibeonites Goliath brother philistia
105 - More Giants: 2 Samuel 21:1 - 21:22 Audio
106 - David's Song: 2 Samuel 22:1 - 23:39 Audio
Samuel araunah threshing floor
107 - David Counts Israel: 2 Samuel 24:1 - 24:25 Audio
David maid haggith Absalom abishag Nathan Bathsheba Solomon
108 - Solomon is King: I Kings 1:1-1:53 Audio
Joab wealth
109 - Solomon's Wisdom: 1 Kings 2:1-4:34 Audio
Lebanon Hiram
110 - Solomon's Temple: 1 Kings 5:1-7:51 Audio
111 - The Temple Dedication: 1 Kings 8:1-9:28 Audio
Solomon Jerusalem,
112 - Queen of Sheba: 1 Kings 10:1-11:43 Audio
113 - Rehoboam and Jeroboam: 1 Kings 12:1-12:33 Audio
Jeroboam Rehoboam baasha
114 - Kings to Ahab: 1 Kings 13:1-16:34 Audio
Tishbite Gilead famine drought widow
115 - Elijah and the Widow: 1 Kings 17:1-17:24 Audio
Baal prophets caramel sacrifice fire
116 - Elijah and Ahab: 1 Kings 18:1-18:46 Audio
Jezebel baal
117 - Fire From Heaven: 1 Kings 19:1-19:21 Audio
Elisha Elijah Ahab naboth vineyard
118 - Jezebel Murders Naboth: 1 Kings 20:1-21:26 Audio
Mercy forgive
119 - Mercy For Ahab: 1 Kings 21:27-21:29 Audio
120 - Ahab Dies: 1 Kings 22:1-22:53 Audio
Elijah Captain fifty
121 - King Ahaziah: 2 Kings 1:1-1:18 Audio
Chariot fire Elijah Jordan
122 - Elijah To Heaven: 2 Kings 2:1-2:25 Audio
Moabites shunamite
123 - Elisha More Miracles: 2 Kings 3:1-4:37 Audio
Leprosy Jordan, Syria maid
124 - Elisha and Naaman: 2 Kings 4:38-5:27 Audio
Ax Jordan Benhadad Syrian
125 - Elisha, Syria Defeated: 2 Kings 6:1-7:20 Audio
Shunamite Elisha miracle
126 - The Famine in Israel: 2 Kings 8:1-8:14 Audio
Jordan jehu baal
127 - Ahab's Line Destroyed: 2 Kings 8:15-10:36 Audio
Jehu Ahab baal joash Hezekiah
128 - Good Kings and Bad: 2 Kings 11:1 - 25:30 Audio
Adam Steph Methuselah Noah Esau Edom genealogy
129 - Chronicles, Adam to Jacob: 1 Chronicles 1:1-54 Audio
Twelve sons brothers genealogy
130 - Chronicles, Jacob to David: 1 Chronicles 2:1 - 9:44 Audio
Joab Zion
131 - David's Mighty Men: 1 Chronicles 10:1 - 12:40 Audio
Uza obededom Philistines
132 - The Ark Of The Covenant: 1 Chronicles 13:1 - 14:17 Audio
133 - Tabernacle or Temple: 1 Chronicles 15:1 - 20:8 Audio
David joab punishment sacrifice threshing floor Oman
134 - Don't Count Your Troops: 1 Chronicles 21:1 - 21:30 Audio
David Solomon
135 - Temple Supplies: 1 Chronicles 22:26 - 29:30 Audio
Jerusalem riches
136 - Solomon's Temple Built: 2 Chronicles 1:1 - 4:22 Audio
Sacrifice forgive
137 - Solomon's Temple Dedicated: 2 Chronicles 5:1 - 7:22 Audio
Solomon wisdom riches wealth
138 - Queen of Sheba: 2 Chronicles 8:1-9:31 Audio
139 - Good and Bad Kings - 1: 2 Chronicles 10:1-20:37 Audio
140 - Good and Bad Kings - 2: 2 Chronicles 21:1-26:23 Audio
Disobedience Hezekiah tunnel
141 - Good and Bad Kings - 3: 2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33 Audio
Hezekiah disobedience Josiah
142 - Good and Bad Kings - 4: 2 Chronicles 33:1-36:23 Audio
Seventy years captivity Darius Persia
143 - Return From Babylon: Ezra 1:1-4:24 Audio
Artacerxes Jerusalem return captivity
144 - Temple And Wall Resumed: Ezra 5:1-10:44 Audio
Return captivity Jerusalem wall Nehemiah
145 - Nehemiah Returns To Jerusalem: Nehemiah 1:1-2:20 Audio
Nehemiah Ezra
146 - Building The Wall: Nehemiah 3:1-13:31 Audio
Ahasuerus Mordecai
147 - Esther Becomes Queen: Esther1:1-2:20 Audio
Haman plot king
148 - Mordecai: Esther 2:21-4:17 Audio
King scepter Haman
149 - Esther Risks All: Esther 5:1-6:9 Audio
Banquet Mordecai Haman purim feast
150 - Israel Is Saved: Esther 6:20-10:3 Audio
Uz Satan
151 - Job of Uz: Job 1:1-2:10 Audio
152 - Three Friends Come: Job 2:11-14:22 Audio
153 - Eliphaz Condemns Job: Job 15:1-19:29 Audio
154 - Job Justified Himself: Job 20:1-31:40 Audio
155 - Elihu Instructs: Job 32:1-37:24 Audio
156 - God Answers Job: Job 38:1-42:17 Audio
157 - Psalms 1-23: Psalms 1:1-23:6 Audio
158 - Psalms 24-50: Psalms 24:1-50:23 Audio
159 - Repentance And Messiah: Psalms 51:1-72:20 Audio
Prophecy Jesus
160 - Psalms 73-100: Psalm 73:1-100:5 Audio
161 - Psalms 101-121: Psalm 101:1-121:8 Audio
162 - Psalms 122-139: Psalm 122:1-139:24 Audio
163 - Psalms 140-150: Psalm 140:1-150:6 Audio
Solomon wisdom
164 - Proverbs 1-5: Proverbs 1:1-5:23 Audio
Solomon wisdom
165 - Proverbs 6-13: Proverbs 6:1-13:25 Audio
166 - Proverbs 14-20: Proverbs 14:1-20:30 Audio
Children wisdom correction
167 - Proverbs 21-31: Proverbs 21:1-31:31 Audio
Preacher time
168 - Ecclesiastes 1-3: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:10 Audio
169 - Ecclesiastes 3-6: Ecclesiastes 3:11-6:12 Audio
Vanity conclusion
170 - Ecclesiastes 7-12: Ecclesiastes 7:1-12:14 Audio
171 - Song of Solomon: Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14 Audio
Vision prophecy Jerusalem
172 - Isaiah's Call: Isaiah 1:1-7:14 Audio
Jesus virgin David Lucifer
173 - Immanuel: Isaiah 7:14-14:32 Audio
Restore desert blossom
174 - Restoring Zion: Isaiah 15:1-35:10 Audio
175 - Assyria's Defeat: Isaiah 36:1-39:8 Audio
Redeem Savior Cyrus
176 - Deliverance Promised: Isaiah 40:1-49:26 Audio
Prophecy lamb
177 - Jesus In Isaiah: Isaiah 50:1-53:12 Audio
178 - Invitation To Salvation: Isaiah 54:1-60:22 Audio
Zion salvation Jerusalem
179 - Promised Future: Isaiah 61:1-66:24 Audio
180 - Jeremiah's Call: Jeremiah 1:1-10:25 Audio
181 - Jeremiah's Warning: Jeremiah 11:1-20:18 Audio
Nebuchadnezzar zedekiah
182 - The King Is Warned: Jeremiah 21:1-28:17 Audio
Return covenant forgiveness
183 - The New Covenant: Jeremiah 29:1-33:26 Audio
Captivity punishment
184 - A Talk With The King: Jeremiah 34:1-38:28 Audio
185 - Jeremiah Respected: Jeremiah 39:1-42:22 Audio
Nebuchadnezzar Babylon
186 - Deliverance Promised: Jeremiah 43:1-52:34 Audio
Punishment Zion
187 - Lamentations: Lamentations 1:1-5:22 Audio
Vision warning
188 - Ezekiel Is Called: Ezekiel 1:1-7:27 Audio
189 - The Second Message: Ezekiel 8:1-19:14 Audio
190 - The Third Message: Ezekiel 20:1-24:27 Audio
warning ammonites Babylon
191 - The Heathen Nations: Ezekiel 25:1-28:11 Audio
Tyre zidon
192 - Tyrus Like Satan: Ezekiel 28:12-32:32 Audio
193 - Restoration Of Israel: Ezekiel 33:1-48:35 Audio
Nebuchadnezzar Babylon
194 - Daniel, Shad, Mesh, Abed...: Daniel 1:1-21 Audio
Image prophecy
195 - Nebuchadnezzar's Image Dream: Daniel 2:1-2:49 Audio
Image fire furnace shadrack meshach abednego
196 - The Firey Furnace: Daniel 3:1-3:30 Audio
197 - Nebuchadnezzar's Faith Lesson: Daniel 4:1-4:37 Audio
Belshazzar feast Babylon
198 - Handwriting On The Wall: Daniel 5:1-31 Audio
Darius mede Babylon
199 - Daniel - The Lion's Den: Daniel 6:1-28 Audio
Beasts prophecy
200 - Daniel's First Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 7:1-28 Audio
Beasts prophecy
201 - Daniel's Second Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 8:1-27 Audio
Gabriel prophecy
202 - Daniel's Third Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 9:1-27 Audio
203 - The Revelation Explained: Daniel 10:1-11:4 Audio
204 - The End Of Days: Daniel 11:5-12:13 Audio
Wife whore
205 - Hosea: Hosea 1:1-14:9 Audio
Repent Zion
206 - Joel: Joel 1:1-3:21 Audio
Damascus warning
207 - Amos: Amos 1:1-9:15 Audio
208 - Obadiah: Obadiah 1:1-1:21 Audio
Nineveh tarshish ship boat
209 - Jonah Runs: Jonah 1:1-1:9 Audio
whale fish Nineveh boat ship three
210 - Jonah Preaches: Jonah 1:10-4:11 Audio
Idolatry Jesus Bethlehem prophecy Zion
211 - Micah: Micah 1:1-7:20 Audio
Nineveh warning
212 - Nahum: Nahum 1:1-3:19 Audio
Warning judgment
213 - Habakkuk: Habakkuk 1:1-3:19 Audio
Warning judgment
214 - Zephaniah: Zephaniah 1:1-3:20 Audio
Return temple rebuilding, Jerusalem
215 - Haggai: Haggai 1:1-2:23 Audio
Return temple rebuilding, Jerusalem messiah Jesus prophecy Zion
216 - Zechariah: Zechariah 1:1-14:21 Audio
Return encouragement
217 - Malachi: Malachi 1:1-14:21 Audio
New Testament

Gospel abbreviations: Matthew=M Mark=Mk Luke=L John=J

Genealogy Jesus Mary Joseph Zacharias John Elizabeth Baptist
218 - Births Foretold: M1:1-17 L1:1-80 Audio
Mary Joseph stable Jesus Bethlehem donkey shepherds angels
219 - Christmas: M1:18-25 L2:1-2:20 Audio
Simeon Mary Anna Herod Temple 12 twelve Joseph, Egypt Nazareth Jesus
220 - Jesus' Boyhood: M2:1-23 L2:21-52 Audio
John Baptist Galilee Jordan Jesus
221 - Jesus' Baptism: M3:1-17 Mk1:1-11 L3:1-38 J1:1-34 Audio
Wilderness devil Satan Jesus
222 - Jesus' Temptation: M4:1-11 Mk1:12-13 L4:1-13 Audio
Jesus simon Peter Phillip Nathaniel Andrew disciples wedding Cana marriage wine
223 - Ministry Begins: J1:35-2:12 Audio
Temple money changers Pharisee born again. Nicodemus Jesus
224 - First Passover - Nichodemus: J2:13-3:36 Audio
John Baptist prison Herod Galilee well water drink messiah disciples Savior Jesus
225 - Samaritan Woman: M4:12 Mk1:14 J4:1-42 Audio
Galilee Cana Capernaum nobleman Nazareth Isaiah Sabbath boat Simon Peter nets fish sink Andrew James John Jesus
226 - Four Disciples: M4:13-22 Mk1:15-20 L4:14-5:10 J4:43-54 Audio
Copernium Damon possessed mother-in-law Simon Peter leprosy faith Pharisees heel forgiven sermon Mount Jesus
227 - Galilee Healing: M4:23-25 Mk1:21-3:19 L5:11-39 Audio
Blessed salt earth mercy Jesus
228 - Beatitudes: M5:1-6:4 L6:1-36 Audio
Father heaven hallowed mercy forgive beam Jesus
229 - Lord's Prayer: M6:5-7:29 L6:37-49 Audio
Jesus Roman centurion faith funeral resurrection Pharisee alabaster ointment woman Galilee tempest swine demons possessed garment heal
230 - Healing & Preaching: M8:1-9:38 Mk3:20-6:6 L7:1-8:56 Audio
Simon Peter Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew Thomas. Matthew Thaddeus Judas Kingdom heaven persecute reward Jesus
231 - Twelve Sent: M10:1-11:1 Mk6:7-13 L9:1-6 Audio
Prison Baptist Burden light caprenium Galilee Jesus
232 - Jesus Honors John: M11:2-30 Audio
Jerusalem pool 38 lame water bedwalk Sabbath Jesus
233 - Bethesda: J5:1-47 Audio
Disciples corn Pharisees house divided Satan mother brother Jesus
234 - Lord Of The Sabbath: M12:1-50 Audio
Jesus good ground sower seed parables
235 - Parables: M13:1-23 Audio
Jesus parables harvest
236 - Wheat And Tares: M13:24-58 Audio
Jesus Herod John Baptist herodius daughter dance five loaves two fishes miracle walked water. Peter
237 - Multitude Fed: M14:1-33 Mk6:14-54 L9:7-17 J6:1-21 Audio
Jesus Capernaum eat flesh. Peter eternal life
238 - Living Bread: J6:22-7:1 Audio
Jesus disciples Pharisees commandments traditions Peter
239 - Unwashed Hands: M14:34-15:20 Mk6:55-7:23 Audio
Jesus Damon daughter Hill Galilee Mediterranean loves fish miracle thousand Pharisees
240 - Trying To Rest: M15:21-16:12 Mk7:24-8:26 Audio
Jesus 12 disciples John Baptist Elijah Jeremiah rock church peter
241 - Who Am I: M16:13-28 Mk8:27-9:1 L9:18-27 Audio
Jesus Peter James John Mount Moses Elijah temples beloved son
242 - Transfiguration: M17:1-13 Mk9:2-13 L9:28-36 Audio
Jesus possessed devil cast faith, mountain tax fish
243 - Faith: M17:14-27 Mk9:14-32 L9:37-45 Audio
Capernaum Jesus disciples greatest lamb stray hundred one
244 - The Greatest: M18:1-14 Mk9:33-50 L9:46-50 Audio
Jesus witness church heathen correction. Peter sin forgive 70 seventy talents thousand servant
245 - Forgiveness: M18:15-35 Audio
Jesus Galilee Tabernacle feast celebration Pharisees authority
246 - At The Feast: J7:1-53 Audio
Jesus Pharisees woman wrote ground forgive
247 - Taken In Adultry: J8:1-32 Audio
Pharisees Jesus
248 - Greater Than Abraham: J8:33-59 Audio
Jesus miracles heal Siloam Sabbath see
249 - The Blind Man: J9:1-41 Audio
Jesus shepherd sheepfold thieves robbers flock
250 - The Good Shepherd: J10:1-21 Audio
Jesus villages 70 two harvest plentious
251 - Seventy Sent: L9:51-10:24 Audio
Jesus lawyer. Love God neighbor Samaritan good compassion
252 - The Good Samaritan: L10:25-37 Audio
Jesus Pharisee supper
253 - Mary, Martha And Disciples: L10:38-11:54 Audio
Jerusalem Jesus messiah miracles blasphemy temple
254 - Solomon's Porch: J10:22-42 Audio
Jesus rich man barns
255 - Treasure In Heaven: L12:1-59 Audio
Jesus Sabbath synagogue Temple healing
256 - Repent, Be Saved: L13:1-30 Audio
Herod Jesus heal ox pit humility highways hedges compel
257 - A Pharisee's House: L13:31-14:35 Audio
Jesus father, woman coins
258 - The Prodigal Son: L15:1-32 Audio
Jesus parable unjust steward Abraham bosom
259 - Rich Man And Lazarus: L16:1-31 Audio
Jesus, faith, compassion, plowed field
260 - Thankful Servants: L17:1-37 Audio
Jesus woman judge publican pray temple Pharisee
261 - The Pharisee And Publican: L18:1-14 Audio
Chases Pharisee divorce children inherit eternal life
262 - Divorce, Children, Rich: M19:1-30 Mk10:1-31 L18:15-30 Audio
263 - Vineyard Laborers: M20:1-16 Audio
Jesus Bethany Mary Martha miracle
264 - Lazarus Resurrected: J11:1-54 Audio
Jesus humble servant left right kingdom James John great bartimaeus blind Jericho
265 - Greatest Serve Others: M20:17-34 Mk10:32-52 L18:31-43 Audio
Jesus tax collector Jericho tree
266 - Zacchaeus And The Servants: L19:1-28 Audio
Jesus Passover Pharisee priest Martha ointment lazareth Mary Jerusalem palm branches
267 - Jesus Honored: M26:6-13 Mk14:3-9 J11:55-12:50 Audio
Jesus Satan Judas priest Christ
268 - The Plot: M26:14-16 Mk14:10-11 L22:1-6 Audio
Jesus Passover Peter John room upper chamber tradition Judas betray
269 - Last Supper: M26:17-29 Mk14:12-25 L22:7-30 J13:1-35 Audio
Jesus way, comforter Judas Peter deny
270 - The Last Lesson: J13:36-16:33 Audio
Jesus disciples Mount Olives Gethsemane Peter sleeping kiss ear sword
271 - Prayer: M26:30-56 Mk14:26-50 L22:31-53 J17:1-18:11 Audio
Fire deny trial rooster crow
272 - Peter Denies: M26:57-75 Mk14:51-72 L22:54-65 J18:12-27 Audio
Suicide 30 pieces silver thirty Jesus
273 - Judas Repents: M27:1-10 Audio
Pilot Herod Passover barabbas
274 - Jesus' Trial: M27:11-31 MK15:1-20 L23:1-25 J18:28-19:16 Audio
Beating scourging mocking Simon Cyrene Cross soldiers garments prescribes Mary Magdalene thief death Jesus
275 - Crucifixion: M27:32-54 Mk15:21-41 L23:26-49 J19:17-30 Audio
Pilot spear Nicodemus Joseph ariamathea spices stone tomb Calvary Pharisees priest quake guards
276 - Burial: M27:55-28:4 Mk15:42-16:3 L23:50-56 J19:31-42 Audio
Mary salome roll stone grave risen soldiers Peter John Jesus Gardner
277 - Resurrection: M28:5-7 Mk16:4-8 L24:1-12 J20:1-17 Audio
Emmaus Resurrection Thomas believe Peter fishing Galilee great commission ascension
278 - Revealed: M28:8-20 Mk16:9-20 L24:13-53 J20:18-21:25 Audio
Luke disciples Mathias tongues languages
279 - Pentecost: Acts 1:1-2:47 Audio
Peter John Temple 5000 five thousand
280 - Lame Healed: Acts 3:1-4:22 Audio
Barnabas Peter ananias Sapphira
281 - Twice Jailed & Free: Acts 4:23-5:42 Audio
Saul Paul Stone
282 - Stephen: Acts 6:1-7:60 Audio
Simon sorcerer Samaritan Ethiopia treasurer wilderness baptized
283 - Philip: Acts 8:1-40 Audio
Paul Damascus ananias blind basket
284 - Saul: Acts 9:1-31 Audio
Lame healed dorcas Joppa Tanner Simon Cornelius unclean
285 - Peter Ministering: Acts 9:32-10:48 Audio
Herod James prison John Mark made praying delivered free
286 - Peter Freed: Acts 11:1-12:25 Audio
Antioch Barnabas saw Cypress sorcerer synagogue preaches salvation
287 - Paul Preaches: Acts 13:1-52 Audio
Iconium lystra lame healed Barnabas Antioch
288 - Paul's Journey: Acts 14:1-15:34 Audio
Barnabas Mark, Syria Cyprus lystra Asia bethenia, Macedonia trojas Philippi possessed spirit fortune prison delivered Roman beaten
289 - Paul & Silas: Acts 15:35-16:40 Audio
Thessalonica Silas Berea, Athens Mars Hill unknown Aquila Priscilla Antioch galatia
290 - Paul - Greece, Syria: Acts 17:1-18:23 Audio
Apollos greece eutychus window sleep dead resurrected cesarea agabus
291 - Paul to Jerusalem: Acts 18:24-21:40 Audio
Testimony gentiles chief captain Roman Felix caesarea festus
292 - Paul to Cesarea: Acts 22:1-25:12 Audio
Festus Rome
293 - Paul Before Agrippa: Acts 25:13-26:32 Audio
Prisoners centurion ship storm Melita snake publius, Italy
294 - Paul Goes To Rome: Acts 27:1-28:31 Audio
Paul Gospel Faith salvation law grace
295 - By Faith: Romans 1:1-6:23 Audio
Faith Grace Paul
296 - Dead To The Law: Romans 7:1-8:39 Audio
Jews Gentiles law works. Faith
297 - Paul's Kinsmen: Romans 9:1-11:36 Audio
Holy worldly gifts. Paul judge
298 - Christian Living: Romans 12:1-14:23 Audio
Paul Jews salvation
299 - Gentiles and Rome: Romans 15:1-16:27 Audio
Baptized Greeks Jews salvation faith
300 - Follow Jesus Only: 1 Corinthians 1:1-4:21 Audio
Disobedient fornication Jews Gentiles
301 - Temple Of God: 1 Corinthians 5:1-8:13 Audio
Support giving worship dress
302 - Follow The Apostle: 1 Corinthians 9:1-11:34 Audio
Idols gifts spiritual tongues unknown
303 - We Are Jesus' Body: 1 Corinthians 12:1-14:40 Audio
Gospel resurrection
304 - Gospel Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:1-16:24 Audio
Paul Timothy gospel light afflictions ambassadors
305 - Jesus' Ambassadors: 2 Corinthians 1:1-5:21 Audio
Macedonia giving support
306 - Give Generously: 2 Corinthians 6:1-11:12 Audio
Imposters persecution thorn flash support
307 - Fight Of Faith: 2 Corinthians 11:13-13:14 Audio
Gospel another works law
308 - Salvation Faith: Galatians 1:1-6:18 Audio
Seated heaven gifts, spiritual kindness
309 - Gentile Christians: Ephesians 1:1-4:32 Audio
Drunkenness husband's wives children, parents armor
310 - Christian`s Armor: Ephesians 5:1-6:24 Audio
Paul Timothy preach Christ
311 - The Philippian Church: Philippians 1:1-4:23 Audio
Paul Timothy salvation Gentiles tradition philosophy wilderness faith Sabbath, husband wives children parents
312 - The Colossian Church: Colossians 1:1-4:18 Audio
Gentiles Resurrection rapture
313 - The Thessalonian Church: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5:28 Audio
314 - Encouraging Thessalonians: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-3:18 Audio
Paul Mercy law mediator pastors deacons bishops
315 - First Letter To Timothy: 1 Timothy 1:1-6:21 Audio
Paul, study approved
316 - Second Letter To Timothy: 2 Timothy 1:1-4:22 Audio
Paul Grace, Faith, justification
317 - Letter To Titus: Titus 1:1-3:15 Audio
Paul onesimus
318 - Letter To Philemon: Philemon 1:1-25 Audio
Footstool Jesus faith two edged sword
319 - Our High Priest: Hebrews 1:1-4:16 Audio
Back sliding repentance Savior
320 - Jesus, Our Priest: Hebrews 5:1-9:28 Audio
Law boldness
321 - Faith And Instructions: Hebrews 10:1-13:25 Audio
Wisdom tongue faith works
322 - James Letter To Israel: James 1:1-5:20 Audio
Milk meat babes husband's wives
323 - Peter To Gentiles: 1 Peter 1:1-5:14 Audio
Inspiration scriptures
324 - Peter To Christians: 2 Peter 1:1-3:18 Audio
Love, Holy spirit teach know eternal life
325 - John's First Letter: 1 John 1:1-5:21 Audio
Full reward works. Contend faith
326 - Letters of John & Jude: 2 John 1:1-Jude 1:25 Audio
Asia Minor
327 - Seven Churches: Revelation 1:1-5:14 Audio
horse angels 144 saints tribes, Israel
328 - Seven Seals: Revelation 6:1-8:6 Audio
Third plagues thunders tribulation
329 - Seven Trumpets: Revelation 8:7-11:19 Audio
Dragon satan Jesus 666 Babylon Zion
330 - Woman & The Beast: Revelation 12:1-14:20 Audio
Angels vials plagues beast 10 horns whore Babylon
331 - The Symbol's Meanings: Revelation 15:1-18:24 Audio
Millennium heaven King Lord thousand years Gog Magog Satan death hell lake fire
332 - One Thousand Years: Revelation 19:1-20:15 Audio
New heaven earth city, holy Jerusalem Jesus
333 - Eternity: Revelation 21:1-22:21 Audio

Below are a couple of Bible In Poems random poem selections

Mary, Martha And Disciples

Luke 10:38-11:54

Jesus visited Mary and Martha. They were cooking him supper that night.
Mary was sitting and listening to Jesus, and Martha was getting uptight.

Martha came out upset. Mary's left me to serve alone.
I'm the only one who's working, to serve these guests in our home.

Jesus calmly said Martha, you're filled with worry and care.
Mary is learning at my feet. She cannot always be there.

Mary has chosen the better part. Though you're working hard for sure.
I'll not stop teaching Mary. I will not take this from her.

Then Jesus taught the disciples, how God provides every need.
If a friend came to you at midnight, desperate, a traveler to feed,

Would you turn him away and say I'm in bed, or help him because he's your friend.
So you're Heavenly Father wants to help you. His patience is without end.

If your son asks for bread would you give him a stone, or fish would you give him a snake?
Your Father in heaven will give you good things, so ask Him for heaven's sake.

As Jesus taught a woman came and said blessed is your mother.
He said blessed are they who keep God's word. They truly are my brother.

Then a Pharisee came and asked Jesus to eat with him that night.
He didn't ceremoniously wash his hands. The guests said, he's not right.

Jesus said, you clean the outside, but leave the inside full of dirt.
You put on airs, stand on high stairs. Like wearing medals on your shirt.

A lawyer said you demean us. Jesus told him woe to you.
You bind heavy burdens on other men, things you won't lift a finger to do.

Christian Living

Romans 12:1-14:23

My brothers now live holy; not worldly anymore.
For now you are one body; not separate as before.

You each have gifts and functions, God has given from above.
Some teach, some preach, some minister, but all do it with love.

Rejoice in hope or tribulation. Help your friends with utmost care.
Don't be mean to those who hate you. Live your life in constant prayer.

Don't return evil for evil. Live in peace as best you can.
Trust in God, and don't seek vengeance. God will repay every man.

If your enemy hungers, feed him. Though that's strange, God says you should.
Be not overcome of evil. Overcome the bad with good.

Be subject to your rulers. They're set up by God above.
Keep all of God's commandments. They are all fulfilled through love.

Love works no ill to neighbors. Therefore, love fulfills the law.
Always treat people just like Jesus. Jesus mends our every flaw.

Don't judge men based on the outside. They don't have to be like you.
Our opinions often differ, but it's God's word that is true.

While we judge folks based on actions, God looks upon the heart.
God judges true and fair. Our judgment breaks us all apart.

Serve God therefore, with honest faith. The prize you'll surely win.
Don't do what you believe is wrong. What is not of faith, is sin.

© BibleInPoems, Ron Calugar, 2015-2024

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