Old Testament
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Beginning creation Adam Eve garden Eden 001 - In The Beginning: Genesis 1:1 - 2:15
Tree knowledge fall Adam Eve Satan devil temptation 002 - That Middle Tree: Genesis 2:16 - 3:24
Adam Eve Cain Abel Seth murder sacrifice lamb 003 - Cain, Able and Seth: Genesis 4:1 - 4:26
Noah flood ark rain Shem ham japheth 004 - Noah And The Flood: Genesis 5:1 - 8:14
Tower Babel Noah Shem ham japheth Languages Abraham Abram ur chaldees 005 - Tower Of Babel: Genesis 8:15 - 11:9
Abraham lot nephew Egypt Sarah Sarai, Abram Pharaoh famine Jordan Sodom worship altar 006 - Abram To Canaan: Genesis 11:10 - 13:18
Abraham lot nephew Sodom rescue 007 - Abram Rescues Lot: Genesis 14:1 - 14:24
Abraham promise kings child nation Hagar sarai Abram Isaac Ishmael Savior 008 - Abraham The Promise: Genesis 15:1 - 17:27
Abraham lot Sodom angels Sarah Gomorrah bargain 009 - Lot And Sodom: Genesis 18:1 - 20:18
Abraham Ishmael Sarah son Hagar promise Isaac 010 - Abraham And Ishmael: Genesis 21:1 - 21:34
Abraham Isaac Moriah sacrifice test savior 011 - Abraham And Isaac: Genesis 22:1 - 23:20
Isaac wife, Abraham servant camels Rebecca Laban 012 - Isaac's Wife: Genesis 24:1 - 24:67
Jacob esau birthright Rebecca Isaac Hunter venison 013 - Jacob And Esau's Birthright: Genesis 25:1 - 26:35
Jacob esau blessing Isaac Rebecca venison deceit 014 - Jacob And Esau's Blessing: Genesis 27:1 - 27:40
Jacob Laban Rachel Isaac Esau Rebecca ladder heaven dream shepherds haran seven deceit marriage. Leah 015 - Jacob Laban Rachel: Genesis 27:41 - 29:29
Jacob Laban wives Rebecca Leah cattle breeding wages idol 016 - Jacob Works For Laban: Genesis 29:30 - 31:35
Jacob esau laban Israel 017 - Jacob Faces Esau: Genesis 31:36 - 33:17
Joseph Jacob Caanan Benjamin coat colors dream Brothers Reuben slavery pit 018 - The Boy Joseph: Genesis 33:18 - 37:35
Joseph potaphar Pharaoh, Egypt prison Butler Baker dream, prisoner 019 - Joseph Potaphar To Pharoah: Genesis 37:36 - 41:40
Joseph ruler prince slave dream cows, Egypt pharaoh famine Jacob Benjamin Simeon Brothers 020 - Joseph The Ruler: Genesis 41:41 - 42:38
Joseph Brothers, Egypt Benjamin Judah Simeon Jacob cup 021 - Joseph The Brother: Genesis 43:1 - 45:24
Jacob Egypt Joseph Abram Abraham four hundred pharaoh Reuben Simeon Judah Zebulon Dan gad Asher naphtali Benjamin 022 - Jacob To Egypt: Genesis 44:25 - 49:33
Egypt slaves Joseph Pharaoh Israelites babies soldiers Nile River Moses 023 - Slaves In Egypt: Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:9
Moses Pharaoh princess Hebrews Jethro, zipporah flame bush desert Midian bush flame 024 - Moses Pharaoh's Grandson: Exodus 2:10 - 3:7
Bush flame burn four hundred Egypt Egyptians serpent rod zipporah Jethro Aaron Hebrews 025 - God Calls Moses: Exodus 3:8 - 4:31
Moses Pharaoh, Egypt sacrifice, worship slaves plagues water blood frogs flies. Lice 026 - Moses Before Pharaoh: Exodus 5:1 - 8:32
Egypt. Moses pharaoh plagues hail fire locust Passover feast firstborn 027 - Moses Six More Plagues: Exodus 9:1 - 12:32
Red Sea Moses, Egypt, Israel Pharaoh 028 - The Red Sea: Exodus 12:33 - 14:31
Pharaoh Hebrews praise 029 - Moses' Song: Exodus 15:1 - 15:22
Complain. Marah Moses journey wilderness quail mana 030 - Murmuring Israelites: Exodus 15:23 - 16:36
Murmured complained wilderness rephidim horeb amalek 031 - Water From A Rock: Exodus 17:1 - 17:7
Moses arms hur 032 - Joshua Fights Amalek: Exodus 17:8 - 17:16
Jethro Moses judge 033 - Moses Father-In-Law: Exodus 18:1 - 18:27
Sinai rephidim Mount laws 034 - The Ten Commandments: Exodus 19:1 - 31:18
Ten commandments Sinai Mount forty days idle calf. Aaron Joshua judgment three thousand dead 035 - The Golden Calf: Exodus 32:1 - 32:35
Moses intercession tablets tabernacle holy holies pillar fire cloud 036 - The Tabernacle: Exodus 33:1 - 40:38
Sacrifice burnt peace, sin trespass Moses 037 - Five Offerings: Leviticus 1:1 - 10:20
Sabbath Moses 038 - Clean, Unclean And The Sevens: Leviticus 11:1 - 27:34
Levi Tabernacle Sinai ark covenant candlesticks showbread sacrifice grease sampson Nazarite Moses 039 - Numbers & Levites: Numbers 1:1 - 6:27
Tabernacle Moses trumpets paran offerings sacrifice Sinai 040 - Offerings and Complaints: Numbers 7:1 - 12:15
Spy spies Canaan Joshua Caleb giants Moses 041 - 12 Spies: Numbers 13:1 - 15:41
Moses Aaron Miriam envy, Korah rebellion Levites 042 - Korah Rebels: Numbers 16:1 - 16:50
Moses Aaron rod budding tabernacle Levites 043 - Aaron's Budding Rod: Numbers 17:1 - 19:22
Moses provide strike speak 044 - Water From A Rock, Again: Numbers 20:1 - 20:13
Edom esau Moses Aaron Canaanite serpent Moab zared Amon Mount Pisgah, amorite 045 - The Wilderness Journey: Numbers 20:14 - 21:35
Moab King donkey 046 - Balak and Balaam: Numbers 22:1 - 22:41
Balak balaam moabites Joshua Caleb Moses forty years Canaan Jordan 047 - Moabites and Midianites: Numbers 23:1 - 36:13
Moses commandments, sacrifices feasts 048 - Moses Deuteronomy Review: Deuteronomy 1:1 - 33:29
Death Joshua Pisgah Jehovah buried 049 - Moses Dies: Deuteronomy 34:1 - 34:12
Jericho Joshua Jordan 050 - Rahab And The Spies: Joshua 1:1 - 2:24
Jordan River, Joshua soldier Angel Lord 051 - Joshua Crossing Jordan: Joshua 3:1 - 5:15
Walls flat March priest trumpets rahab 052 - Joshua Jericho: Joshua 6:1 - 6:27
Jericho Rahab 053 - Achan's Sin: Joshua 7:1 - 7:26
Ai Joshua 054 - Ai's Defeat: Joshua 8:1 - 8:35
Deceived 055 - The Gibeonites Trick: Joshua 9:1 - 9:27
Amorite gibeon gilgal Joshua 056 - Israel's Promised Land: Joshua 10:1 - 10:43
Reuben gad Manasseh 057 - East And West Tribes: Joshua 11:1 - 22:34
Canaanites 058 - Joshua Dies: Joshua 23:1 - 24:33
Baalim baal 059 - Judges: Judges 1:1 - 2:23
Othniel cush Moab ammon eglon ehud eglon shamgar philistine 060 - Othniel, Ehud, & Shamgar: Judges 3:1 - 3:31
Barak 061 - Deborah is Judge: Judges 4:1 - 5:31
Midianites Joash 062 - God Calls Gideon: Judges 6:1 - 6:35
Midianites sign 063 - Gideon's Fleece: Judges 6:36 - 7:7
Midianites trumpet pitcher 064 - Gods Sword and Gideon: Judges 7:8 - 7:25
Idols shechem abimelech jephithah 065 - Abimelech: Judges 8:1 - 10:18
Ammonites 066 - Jephthah: Judges 11:1 - 11:40
Ephraim Gilead Philistines zorah manoah 067 - Jephthah To Samson: Judges 12:1 - 13:25
Judges Philistine timnath lion honey riddle wedding garments 068 - Samson at Timnath: Judges 14:1 - 14:20
Philistines jawbone ass 069 - Samson's Foxes And Jawbone: Judges 15:1 - 15:20
Gaza gate Hebron Nazarite 070 - Samson And Delilah: Judges 16:1 - 16:14
Delilah Nazareth dagon hair 071 - Samson Looses His Strength: Judges 16:15 - 16:31
Levite Micah Dan gibeah concubine 072 - Benjamin's Tribe: Judges 17:1 - 21:25
Husband mother-in-law 073 - Ruth and Naomi: Ruth 1:1 - 1:22
Naomi Boaz kin 074 - Ruth Works In The Field: Ruth 2:1 - 3:3
Naomi moabite David obed 075 - Ruth and Boaz: Ruth 3:3 - 4:22
Elkanah peninnah Eli prayed judge prophet 076 - Hannah Has Samuel: 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11
Hannah, Eli dream 077 - Samuel In The Temple: 1 Samuel 2:12 - 3:21
Samuel Eli sons covenant Dagon 078 - Philistines And The Ark: 1 Samuel 4:1 - 7:17
Philistines Samuel donkeys anointed 079 - Saul Is Made King: 1 Samuel 8:1 - 9:27
Ammonites Samuel gibeah 080 - Saul Begins To Lead: 1 Samuel 10:1 - 14:1
Philistines Saul 081 - Jonathan and Armor Bearer: 1 Samuel 14:2 - 14:20
Saul Honey 082 - Will Jonathan Die?: 1 Samuel 14:21 - 14:52
Philistines Moab ammonites amalekites 083 - Saul and Amalekites: 1 Samuel 15:1 - 16:12
So bethlehemite Jesse Bethlehem 084 - Samuel Anoints David: 1 Samuel 16:13 - 16:23
David Saul giant 085 - Goliath Challenges Israel: 1 Samuel 17:1 - 17:39
Saul giant battle 086 - David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:40 - 18:8
Philistines 087 - Saul is Jealous of David: 1 Samuel 17:40 - 19:24
Jonathan 088 - David Runs From Saul: 1 Samuel 20:1 - 20:42
Priest shewbread Goliath sword adullam doeg Edomite ahimelek priest 089 - David Flees To Adullam: 1 Samuel 21:1 - 22:23
Cave Philistines engedi robe king 090 - David Spares Saul: 1 Samuel 23:1 - 24:22
Samuel paran 091 - David and Nabal: 1 Samuel 25:1 - 25:13
Nabal wife 092 - David and Abigail: 1 Samuel 25:14 - 25:44
Ziph 093 - David Spares Saul Again: 1 Samuel 26:1 - 26:25
David Philistines ziklag achish Samuel 094 - Saul and The Witch: 1 Samuel 27:1 - 28:25
Israel David Philistines 095 - Amalekites Burn Ziklag: 1 Samuel 29:1 - 30:31
Philistines, David amalekites ziklag 096 - Saul and His Sons Die: 1 Samuel 31:1 - 1:27
Saul Jonathan Abner joab 097 - David Becomes King: 2 Samuel 2:1 - 5:25
David uzzah obededom dance michal 098 - The Covenant Ark: 2 Samuel 6:1 - 6:23
Philistines Ammon Temple tent 099 - Will David Build God's House?: 2 Samuel 7:1 - 7:29
Philistines mobites syrians amalekites ammon mephibosheth Bathsheba Uriah judgment penalty murder adultery Jonathan 100 - David The Warrior: 2 Samuel 8:1 - 11:27
Punishment adultery murder 101 - Nathan Visits David: 2 Samuel 12:1 - 12:9
Nathan Uriah Bethsheba Solomon 102 - David's Punishment: 2 Samuel 12:10 - 12:31
David 103 - Absalom and Amnon: 2 Samuel 13:1 - 18:33
Joab Absalom Sheba 104 - David Is King Again: 2 Samuel 19:1 - 20:26
Gibeonites Goliath brother philistia 105 - More Giants: 2 Samuel 21:1 - 21:22
Psalmist 106 - David's Song: 2 Samuel 22:1 - 23:39
Samuel araunah threshing floor 107 - David Counts Israel: 2 Samuel 24:1 - 24:25
David maid haggith Absalom abishag Nathan Bathsheba Solomon 108 - Solomon is King: I Kings 1:1-1:53
Joab wealth 109 - Solomon's Wisdom: 1 Kings 2:1-4:34
Lebanon Hiram 110 - Solomon's Temple: 1 Kings 5:1-7:51
Solomon 111 - The Temple Dedication: 1 Kings 8:1-9:28
Solomon Jerusalem, 112 - Queen of Sheba: 1 Kings 10:1-11:43
Solomon 113 - Rehoboam and Jeroboam: 1 Kings 12:1-12:33
Jeroboam Rehoboam baasha 114 - Kings to Ahab: 1 Kings 13:1-16:34
Tishbite Gilead famine drought widow 115 - Elijah and the Widow: 1 Kings 17:1-17:24
Baal prophets caramel sacrifice fire 116 - Elijah and Ahab: 1 Kings 18:1-18:46
Jezebel baal 117 - Fire From Heaven: 1 Kings 19:1-19:21
Elisha Elijah Ahab naboth vineyard 118 - Jezebel Murders Naboth: 1 Kings 20:1-21:26
Mercy forgive 119 - Mercy For Ahab: 1 Kings 21:27-21:29
Jehoshaphat 120 - Ahab Dies: 1 Kings 22:1-22:53
Elijah Captain fifty 121 - King Ahaziah: 2 Kings 1:1-1:18
Chariot fire Elijah Jordan 122 - Elijah To Heaven: 2 Kings 2:1-2:25
Moabites shunamite 123 - Elisha More Miracles: 2 Kings 3:1-4:37
Leprosy Jordan, Syria maid 124 - Elisha and Naaman: 2 Kings 4:38-5:27
Ax Jordan Benhadad Syrian 125 - Elisha, Syria Defeated: 2 Kings 6:1-7:20
Shunamite Elisha miracle 126 - The Famine in Israel: 2 Kings 8:1-8:14
Jordan jehu baal 127 - Ahab's Line Destroyed: 2 Kings 8:15-10:36
Jehu Ahab baal joash Hezekiah 128 - Good Kings and Bad: 2 Kings 11:1 - 25:30
Adam Steph Methuselah Noah Esau Edom genealogy 129 - Chronicles, Adam to Jacob: 1 Chronicles 1:1-54
Twelve sons brothers genealogy 130 - Chronicles, Jacob to David: 1 Chronicles 2:1 - 9:44
Joab Zion 131 - David's Mighty Men: 1 Chronicles 10:1 - 12:40
Uza obededom Philistines 132 - The Ark Of The Covenant: 1 Chronicles 13:1 - 14:17
David 133 - Tabernacle or Temple: 1 Chronicles 15:1 - 20:8
David joab punishment sacrifice threshing floor Oman 134 - Don't Count Your Troops: 1 Chronicles 21:1 - 21:30
David Solomon 135 - Temple Supplies: 1 Chronicles 22:26 - 29:30
Jerusalem riches 136 - Solomon's Temple Built: 2 Chronicles 1:1 - 4:22
Sacrifice forgive 137 - Solomon's Temple Dedicated: 2 Chronicles 5:1 - 7:22
Solomon wisdom riches wealth 138 - Queen of Sheba: 2 Chronicles 8:1-9:31
Disobedience 139 - Good and Bad Kings - 1: 2 Chronicles 10:1-20:37
Disobedience 140 - Good and Bad Kings - 2: 2 Chronicles 21:1-26:23
Disobedience Hezekiah tunnel 141 - Good and Bad Kings - 3: 2 Chronicles 27:1-32:33
Hezekiah disobedience Josiah 142 - Good and Bad Kings - 4: 2 Chronicles 33:1-36:23
Seventy years captivity Darius Persia 143 - Return From Babylon: Ezra 1:1-4:24
Artacerxes Jerusalem return captivity 144 - Temple And Wall Resumed: Ezra 5:1-10:44
Return captivity Jerusalem wall Nehemiah 145 - Nehemiah Returns To Jerusalem: Nehemiah 1:1-2:20
Nehemiah Ezra 146 - Building The Wall: Nehemiah 3:1-13:31
Ahasuerus Mordecai 147 - Esther Becomes Queen: Esther1:1-2:20
Haman plot king 148 - Mordecai: Esther 2:21-4:17
King scepter Haman 149 - Esther Risks All: Esther 5:1-6:9
Banquet Mordecai Haman purim feast 150 - Israel Is Saved: Esther 6:20-10:3
Uz Satan 151 - Job of Uz: Job 1:1-2:10
Friends 152 - Three Friends Come: Job 2:11-14:22
Friends 153 - Eliphaz Condemns Job: Job 15:1-19:29
Friends 154 - Job Justified Himself: Job 20:1-31:40
Elihu 155 - Elihu Instructs: Job 32:1-37:24
Restored 156 - God Answers Job: Job 38:1-42:17
David 157 - Psalms 1-23: Psalms 1:1-23:6
David 158 - Psalms 24-50: Psalms 24:1-50:23
David 159 - Repentance And Messiah: Psalms 51:1-72:20
Prophecy Jesus 160 - Psalms 73-100: Psalm 73:1-100:5
Praise 161 - Psalms 101-121: Psalm 101:1-121:8
Praise 162 - Psalms 122-139: Psalm 122:1-139:24
Praise 163 - Psalms 140-150: Psalm 140:1-150:6
Solomon wisdom 164 - Proverbs 1-5: Proverbs 1:1-5:23
Solomon wisdom 165 - Proverbs 6-13: Proverbs 6:1-13:25
Wisdom 166 - Proverbs 14-20: Proverbs 14:1-20:30
Children wisdom correction 167 - Proverbs 21-31: Proverbs 21:1-31:31
Preacher time 168 - Ecclesiastes 1-3: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:10
Dust 169 - Ecclesiastes 3-6: Ecclesiastes 3:11-6:12
Vanity conclusion 170 - Ecclesiastes 7-12: Ecclesiastes 7:1-12:14
Wife 171 - Song of Solomon: Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14
Vision prophecy Jerusalem 172 - Isaiah's Call: Isaiah 1:1-7:14
Jesus virgin David Lucifer 173 - Immanuel: Isaiah 7:14-14:32
Restore desert blossom 174 - Restoring Zion: Isaiah 15:1-35:10
Hezekiah 175 - Assyria's Defeat: Isaiah 36:1-39:8
Redeem Savior Cyrus 176 - Deliverance Promised: Isaiah 40:1-49:26
Prophecy lamb 177 - Jesus In Isaiah: Isaiah 50:1-53:12
Redeem 178 - Invitation To Salvation: Isaiah 54:1-60:22
Zion salvation Jerusalem 179 - Promised Future: Isaiah 61:1-66:24
Warning 180 - Jeremiah's Call: Jeremiah 1:1-10:25
Punishment 181 - Jeremiah's Warning: Jeremiah 11:1-20:18
Nebuchadnezzar zedekiah 182 - The King Is Warned: Jeremiah 21:1-28:17
Return covenant forgiveness 183 - The New Covenant: Jeremiah 29:1-33:26
Captivity punishment 184 - A Talk With The King: Jeremiah 34:1-38:28
Nebuchadnezzar 185 - Jeremiah Respected: Jeremiah 39:1-42:22
Nebuchadnezzar Babylon 186 - Deliverance Promised: Jeremiah 43:1-52:34
Punishment Zion 187 - Lamentations: Lamentations 1:1-5:22
Vision warning 188 - Ezekiel Is Called: Ezekiel 1:1-7:27
warning 189 - The Second Message: Ezekiel 8:1-19:14
warning 190 - The Third Message: Ezekiel 20:1-24:27
warning ammonites Babylon 191 - The Heathen Nations: Ezekiel 25:1-28:11
Tyre zidon 192 - Tyrus Like Satan: Ezekiel 28:12-32:32
Restoration 193 - Restoration Of Israel: Ezekiel 33:1-48:35
Nebuchadnezzar Babylon 194 - Daniel, Shad, Mesh, Abed...: Daniel 1:1-21
Image prophecy 195 - Nebuchadnezzar's Image Dream: Daniel 2:1-2:49
Image fire furnace shadrack meshach abednego 196 - The Firey Furnace: Daniel 3:1-3:30
Dream 197 - Nebuchadnezzar's Faith Lesson: Daniel 4:1-4:37
Belshazzar feast Babylon 198 - Handwriting On The Wall: Daniel 5:1-31
Darius mede Babylon 199 - Daniel - The Lion's Den: Daniel 6:1-28
Beasts prophecy 200 - Daniel's First Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 7:1-28
Beasts prophecy 201 - Daniel's Second Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 8:1-27
Gabriel prophecy 202 - Daniel's Third Prophetic Revelation: Daniel 9:1-27
Prophecy 203 - The Revelation Explained: Daniel 10:1-11:4
Prophecy 204 - The End Of Days: Daniel 11:5-12:13
Wife whore 205 - Hosea: Hosea 1:1-14:9
Repent Zion 206 - Joel: Joel 1:1-3:21
Damascus warning 207 - Amos: Amos 1:1-9:15
Edom 208 - Obadiah: Obadiah 1:1-1:21
Nineveh tarshish ship boat 209 - Jonah Runs: Jonah 1:1-1:9
whale fish Nineveh boat ship three 210 - Jonah Preaches: Jonah 1:10-4:11
Idolatry Jesus Bethlehem prophecy Zion 211 - Micah: Micah 1:1-7:20
Nineveh warning 212 - Nahum: Nahum 1:1-3:19
Warning judgment 213 - Habakkuk: Habakkuk 1:1-3:19
Warning judgment 214 - Zephaniah: Zephaniah 1:1-3:20
Return temple rebuilding, Jerusalem 215 - Haggai: Haggai 1:1-2:23
Return temple rebuilding, Jerusalem messiah Jesus prophecy Zion 216 - Zechariah: Zechariah 1:1-14:21
Return encouragement 217 - Malachi: Malachi 1:1-14:21
| New Testament Gospel abbreviations: Matthew=M Mark=Mk Luke=L John=J Genealogy Jesus Mary Joseph Zacharias John Elizabeth Baptist 218 - Births Foretold: M1:1-17 L1:1-80
Mary Joseph stable Jesus Bethlehem donkey shepherds angels 219 - Christmas: M1:18-25 L2:1-2:20
Simeon Mary Anna Herod Temple 12 twelve Joseph, Egypt Nazareth Jesus 220 - Jesus' Boyhood: M2:1-23 L2:21-52
John Baptist Galilee Jordan Jesus 221 - Jesus' Baptism: M3:1-17 Mk1:1-11 L3:1-38 J1:1-34
Wilderness devil Satan Jesus 222 - Jesus' Temptation: M4:1-11 Mk1:12-13 L4:1-13
Jesus simon Peter Phillip Nathaniel Andrew disciples wedding Cana marriage wine 223 - Ministry Begins: J1:35-2:12
Temple money changers Pharisee born again. Nicodemus Jesus 224 - First Passover - Nichodemus: J2:13-3:36
John Baptist prison Herod Galilee well water drink messiah disciples Savior Jesus 225 - Samaritan Woman: M4:12 Mk1:14 J4:1-42
Galilee Cana Capernaum nobleman Nazareth Isaiah Sabbath boat Simon Peter nets fish sink Andrew James John Jesus 226 - Four Disciples: M4:13-22 Mk1:15-20 L4:14-5:10 J4:43-54
Copernium Damon possessed mother-in-law Simon Peter leprosy faith Pharisees heel forgiven sermon Mount Jesus 227 - Galilee Healing: M4:23-25 Mk1:21-3:19 L5:11-39
Blessed salt earth mercy Jesus 228 - Beatitudes: M5:1-6:4 L6:1-36
Father heaven hallowed mercy forgive beam Jesus 229 - Lord's Prayer: M6:5-7:29 L6:37-49
Jesus Roman centurion faith funeral resurrection Pharisee alabaster ointment woman Galilee tempest swine demons possessed garment heal 230 - Healing & Preaching: M8:1-9:38 Mk3:20-6:6 L7:1-8:56
Simon Peter Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew Thomas. Matthew Thaddeus Judas Kingdom heaven persecute reward Jesus 231 - Twelve Sent: M10:1-11:1 Mk6:7-13 L9:1-6
Prison Baptist Burden light caprenium Galilee Jesus 232 - Jesus Honors John: M11:2-30
Jerusalem pool 38 lame water bedwalk Sabbath Jesus 233 - Bethesda: J5:1-47
Disciples corn Pharisees house divided Satan mother brother Jesus 234 - Lord Of The Sabbath: M12:1-50
Jesus good ground sower seed parables 235 - Parables: M13:1-23
Jesus parables harvest 236 - Wheat And Tares: M13:24-58
Jesus Herod John Baptist herodius daughter dance five loaves two fishes miracle walked water. Peter 237 - Multitude Fed: M14:1-33 Mk6:14-54 L9:7-17 J6:1-21
Jesus Capernaum eat flesh. Peter eternal life 238 - Living Bread: J6:22-7:1
Jesus disciples Pharisees commandments traditions Peter 239 - Unwashed Hands: M14:34-15:20 Mk6:55-7:23
Jesus Damon daughter Hill Galilee Mediterranean loves fish miracle thousand Pharisees 240 - Trying To Rest: M15:21-16:12 Mk7:24-8:26
Jesus 12 disciples John Baptist Elijah Jeremiah rock church peter 241 - Who Am I: M16:13-28 Mk8:27-9:1 L9:18-27
Jesus Peter James John Mount Moses Elijah temples beloved son 242 - Transfiguration: M17:1-13 Mk9:2-13 L9:28-36
Jesus possessed devil cast faith, mountain tax fish 243 - Faith: M17:14-27 Mk9:14-32 L9:37-45
Capernaum Jesus disciples greatest lamb stray hundred one 244 - The Greatest: M18:1-14 Mk9:33-50 L9:46-50
Jesus witness church heathen correction. Peter sin forgive 70 seventy talents thousand servant 245 - Forgiveness: M18:15-35
Jesus Galilee Tabernacle feast celebration Pharisees authority 246 - At The Feast: J7:1-53
Jesus Pharisees woman wrote ground forgive 247 - Taken In Adultry: J8:1-32
Pharisees Jesus 248 - Greater Than Abraham: J8:33-59
Jesus miracles heal Siloam Sabbath see 249 - The Blind Man: J9:1-41
Jesus shepherd sheepfold thieves robbers flock 250 - The Good Shepherd: J10:1-21
Jesus villages 70 two harvest plentious 251 - Seventy Sent: L9:51-10:24
Jesus lawyer. Love God neighbor Samaritan good compassion 252 - The Good Samaritan: L10:25-37
Jesus Pharisee supper 253 - Mary, Martha And Disciples: L10:38-11:54
Jerusalem Jesus messiah miracles blasphemy temple 254 - Solomon's Porch: J10:22-42
Jesus rich man barns 255 - Treasure In Heaven: L12:1-59
Jesus Sabbath synagogue Temple healing 256 - Repent, Be Saved: L13:1-30
Herod Jesus heal ox pit humility highways hedges compel 257 - A Pharisee's House: L13:31-14:35
Jesus father, woman coins 258 - The Prodigal Son: L15:1-32
Jesus parable unjust steward Abraham bosom 259 - Rich Man And Lazarus: L16:1-31
Jesus, faith, compassion, plowed field 260 - Thankful Servants: L17:1-37
Jesus woman judge publican pray temple Pharisee 261 - The Pharisee And Publican: L18:1-14
Chases Pharisee divorce children inherit eternal life 262 - Divorce, Children, Rich: M19:1-30 Mk10:1-31 L18:15-30
Jesus 263 - Vineyard Laborers: M20:1-16
Jesus Bethany Mary Martha miracle 264 - Lazarus Resurrected: J11:1-54
Jesus humble servant left right kingdom James John great bartimaeus blind Jericho 265 - Greatest Serve Others: M20:17-34 Mk10:32-52 L18:31-43
Jesus tax collector Jericho tree 266 - Zacchaeus And The Servants: L19:1-28
Jesus Passover Pharisee priest Martha ointment lazareth Mary Jerusalem palm branches 267 - Jesus Honored: M26:6-13 Mk14:3-9 J11:55-12:50
Jesus Satan Judas priest Christ 268 - The Plot: M26:14-16 Mk14:10-11 L22:1-6
Jesus Passover Peter John room upper chamber tradition Judas betray 269 - Last Supper: M26:17-29 Mk14:12-25 L22:7-30 J13:1-35
Jesus way, comforter Judas Peter deny 270 - The Last Lesson: J13:36-16:33
Jesus disciples Mount Olives Gethsemane Peter sleeping kiss ear sword 271 - Prayer: M26:30-56 Mk14:26-50 L22:31-53 J17:1-18:11
Fire deny trial rooster crow 272 - Peter Denies: M26:57-75 Mk14:51-72 L22:54-65 J18:12-27
Suicide 30 pieces silver thirty Jesus 273 - Judas Repents: M27:1-10
Pilot Herod Passover barabbas 274 - Jesus' Trial: M27:11-31 MK15:1-20 L23:1-25 J18:28-19:16
Beating scourging mocking Simon Cyrene Cross soldiers garments prescribes Mary Magdalene thief death Jesus 275 - Crucifixion: M27:32-54 Mk15:21-41 L23:26-49 J19:17-30
Pilot spear Nicodemus Joseph ariamathea spices stone tomb Calvary Pharisees priest quake guards 276 - Burial: M27:55-28:4 Mk15:42-16:3 L23:50-56 J19:31-42
Mary salome roll stone grave risen soldiers Peter John Jesus Gardner 277 - Resurrection: M28:5-7 Mk16:4-8 L24:1-12 J20:1-17
Emmaus Resurrection Thomas believe Peter fishing Galilee great commission ascension 278 - Revealed: M28:8-20 Mk16:9-20 L24:13-53 J20:18-21:25
Luke disciples Mathias tongues languages 279 - Pentecost: Acts 1:1-2:47
Peter John Temple 5000 five thousand 280 - Lame Healed: Acts 3:1-4:22
Barnabas Peter ananias Sapphira 281 - Twice Jailed & Free: Acts 4:23-5:42
Saul Paul Stone 282 - Stephen: Acts 6:1-7:60
Simon sorcerer Samaritan Ethiopia treasurer wilderness baptized 283 - Philip: Acts 8:1-40
Paul Damascus ananias blind basket 284 - Saul: Acts 9:1-31
Lame healed dorcas Joppa Tanner Simon Cornelius unclean 285 - Peter Ministering: Acts 9:32-10:48
Herod James prison John Mark made praying delivered free 286 - Peter Freed: Acts 11:1-12:25
Antioch Barnabas saw Cypress sorcerer synagogue preaches salvation 287 - Paul Preaches: Acts 13:1-52
Iconium lystra lame healed Barnabas Antioch 288 - Paul's Journey: Acts 14:1-15:34
Barnabas Mark, Syria Cyprus lystra Asia bethenia, Macedonia trojas Philippi possessed spirit fortune prison delivered Roman beaten 289 - Paul & Silas: Acts 15:35-16:40
Thessalonica Silas Berea, Athens Mars Hill unknown Aquila Priscilla Antioch galatia 290 - Paul - Greece, Syria: Acts 17:1-18:23
Apollos greece eutychus window sleep dead resurrected cesarea agabus 291 - Paul to Jerusalem: Acts 18:24-21:40
Testimony gentiles chief captain Roman Felix caesarea festus 292 - Paul to Cesarea: Acts 22:1-25:12
Festus Rome 293 - Paul Before Agrippa: Acts 25:13-26:32
Prisoners centurion ship storm Melita snake publius, Italy 294 - Paul Goes To Rome: Acts 27:1-28:31
Paul Gospel Faith salvation law grace 295 - By Faith: Romans 1:1-6:23
Faith Grace Paul 296 - Dead To The Law: Romans 7:1-8:39
Jews Gentiles law works. Faith 297 - Paul's Kinsmen: Romans 9:1-11:36
Holy worldly gifts. Paul judge 298 - Christian Living: Romans 12:1-14:23
Paul Jews salvation 299 - Gentiles and Rome: Romans 15:1-16:27
Baptized Greeks Jews salvation faith 300 - Follow Jesus Only: 1 Corinthians 1:1-4:21
Disobedient fornication Jews Gentiles 301 - Temple Of God: 1 Corinthians 5:1-8:13
Support giving worship dress 302 - Follow The Apostle: 1 Corinthians 9:1-11:34
Idols gifts spiritual tongues unknown 303 - We Are Jesus' Body: 1 Corinthians 12:1-14:40
Gospel resurrection 304 - Gospel Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:1-16:24
Paul Timothy gospel light afflictions ambassadors 305 - Jesus' Ambassadors: 2 Corinthians 1:1-5:21
Macedonia giving support 306 - Give Generously: 2 Corinthians 6:1-11:12
Imposters persecution thorn flash support 307 - Fight Of Faith: 2 Corinthians 11:13-13:14
Gospel another works law 308 - Salvation Faith: Galatians 1:1-6:18
Seated heaven gifts, spiritual kindness 309 - Gentile Christians: Ephesians 1:1-4:32
Drunkenness husband's wives children, parents armor 310 - Christian`s Armor: Ephesians 5:1-6:24
Paul Timothy preach Christ 311 - The Philippian Church: Philippians 1:1-4:23
Paul Timothy salvation Gentiles tradition philosophy wilderness faith Sabbath, husband wives children parents 312 - The Colossian Church: Colossians 1:1-4:18
Gentiles Resurrection rapture 313 - The Thessalonian Church: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5:28
Antichrist 314 - Encouraging Thessalonians: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-3:18
Paul Mercy law mediator pastors deacons bishops 315 - First Letter To Timothy: 1 Timothy 1:1-6:21
Paul, study approved 316 - Second Letter To Timothy: 2 Timothy 1:1-4:22
Paul Grace, Faith, justification 317 - Letter To Titus: Titus 1:1-3:15
Paul onesimus 318 - Letter To Philemon: Philemon 1:1-25
Footstool Jesus faith two edged sword 319 - Our High Priest: Hebrews 1:1-4:16
Back sliding repentance Savior 320 - Jesus, Our Priest: Hebrews 5:1-9:28
Law boldness 321 - Faith And Instructions: Hebrews 10:1-13:25
Wisdom tongue faith works 322 - James Letter To Israel: James 1:1-5:20
Milk meat babes husband's wives 323 - Peter To Gentiles: 1 Peter 1:1-5:14
Inspiration scriptures 324 - Peter To Christians: 2 Peter 1:1-3:18
Love, Holy spirit teach know eternal life 325 - John's First Letter: 1 John 1:1-5:21
Full reward works. Contend faith 326 - Letters of John & Jude: 2 John 1:1-Jude 1:25
Asia Minor 327 - Seven Churches: Revelation 1:1-5:14
horse angels 144 saints tribes, Israel 328 - Seven Seals: Revelation 6:1-8:6
Third plagues thunders tribulation 329 - Seven Trumpets: Revelation 8:7-11:19
Dragon satan Jesus 666 Babylon Zion 330 - Woman & The Beast: Revelation 12:1-14:20
Angels vials plagues beast 10 horns whore Babylon 331 - The Symbol's Meanings: Revelation 15:1-18:24
Millennium heaven King Lord thousand years Gog Magog Satan death hell lake fire 332 - One Thousand Years: Revelation 19:1-20:15
New heaven earth city, holy Jerusalem Jesus 333 - Eternity: Revelation 21:1-22:21