Letter To Titus

© BibleInPoems, Ron Calugar, 2015-2024 . . 317
Titus 1:1-3:15

Paul, the servant of Christ, to Titus my son, the elect.
Grace and mercy from God, our Father. There are men that you should select.

I left you in Crete to ordain, elders in every town.
Bishops, blameless and pure. Teaching doctrine, true and sound.

Let the older women and men, be examples to children and youth.
Let the young be sober, the servants obedient, and all be following truth.

For the saving grace of God has indeed appeared to all men,
Teaching us to deny ungodliness, until Jesus comes again.

Speak evil my son of no man. Show meekness as you preach salvation.
Let them know they're not saved by works. By his mercy comes regeneration.

We are justified by his grace, and made heirs to eternal life.
This saying is true and faithful. Avoid questions that simply cause strife.

Those who insist on false doctrine after warning them once and again.
Reject, for they will subvert the church. They're refusing to turn from the sin.

All with me, good Titus, salute you. Tell our friends I love them again.
My prayer is, God's grace will be with you all. And now I close with, Amen.

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