Saul was zealous to serve God. His heart was tried and true. Christians were the opposition. Saul knew just what to do. He'd haul them off to prison. Damascus, his next stop. When it came to men defending God, young Saul was at the top. Saul journeyed with his soldiers. The priest's decree his ammunition. He left his home and comfort. Serving God was his ambition. His heart was right. His steps were wrong. God said, seek and you shall find. God met Saul on that dusty road. A man so lost and blind. Who are you Lord? I'm Jesus. The one you came to fight What should I do? I trust in you. I only want what's right. Arise and go. Indeed you're blind. But I will make you see. As when to His disciples, Christ said come and follow me. In three days Ananias, was sent to give Saul sight. A picture of the vision. God indeed would make Saul right. He came for persecution. Now in the synagogue Saul taught. Salvation comes through Jesus. By His blood our life is bought. The leaders said we'll kill him. We'll catch him at the gate, But disciples lowered him in a basket, after dark when it was late. When Saul came into Jerusalem, most feared his reputation. So Barnabas told them of Saul's faith and Jesus' great salvation! Then all the church had rest; their numbers multiplied. A brand new man was born again. Now Saul was on God's side.
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