Trying To Rest
Jesus clearly wanted a break, to have some privacy. He went along the coast, by the Mediterranean Sea. A Greek woman there, whose daughter was demon possessed, Heard Jesus had arrived, and she came in her distress. She begged Jesus to heal her daughter, but Jesus Christ said no. You don't give your food to dogs, and to Israel I must go. She said, the dogs eat the crumbs that the from the table spill. Christ said, great is your faith, be it to you as you will. After healing the woman's daughter Jesus came to Galilee. They brought to Him a deaf man, he couldn't speak but he could see. Jesus made him hear and speak, and said don't tell anyone. But the more He said don't tell, the more folks spread what He had done. Crowds gathered all around Him. They were with Him for three days. They had all run out of food. Should He send them on their ways? How many loaves do we have? The disciple said just seven. He had them sit upon the ground and gave thanks to God in heaven. With those loaves and a few small fish four thousand men were fed. Have faith God will provide. That's what Jesus always said. Then He departed to the coast that lies upon the west. The Pharisees came wanting proof. They never let Him rest. There will be no sign given, said Jesus one more time. I've compared myself to Jonah. I've said the wicked seek a sign. They didn't bring bread as they entered a ship to sail across the sea. Jesus said beware of the leaven, of the Pharisees. They thought, He knows we didn't bring bread. Jesus said have you forgot? 5,000 and then 4,000 more, and what bread had you brought? Then they knew he spoke of doctrine not ingredients of the bread. When they reach the opposite shore line, the news of Jesus had been spread. They brought to him a blind man, and Jesus led him out of town. He healed the man, and said don't tell. Keep this on the lowdown.
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