Births Foretold
Matthew starts with genealogies, twas Jesus family tree. From Abraham to Joseph, the husband of Mary. The angel said to Joseph, fear not to take your wife, the one you are espoused to, with whom you'll spend your life. She'll have a son named Jesus. You will be the father host. But the father of this child will be the Holy Ghost. A virgin shall conceive as was written long ago. He'll save His people from their sins, and now Joseph you know. And so Joseph rose from his sleep knowing that he was the one, Who would keep young Mary pure and chaste, till she had her first born son. Now, Zacharias was a priest. He was old to put it mild. With Elizabeth his wife, also old and had no child. While he was working at the temple, God said, like Abraham, Zacharias you will have a son. Yep! I'm doing it again. As Issac born of Sarah, she was barren you recall, I'm giving you a son named John, to baptize and preach to all. Now Zacharias was a wise man. He knew well of Abraham. But to think that he could have a son was more than he could stand. How shall I know you speak the truth, angel of the Lord of host? You'll be dumb the angel said. A twist, usually dumb folks talk the most. So Zacharias couldn't speak. That had the whole town buzzin'. While Elizabeth was carrying John an angel visited her cousin. Mary, said the angel, I know, you know, no one. That's a lot of no's but here's a yes. Your going to have a son! And Elizabeth your cousin, who cannot bear a child, will have a son, and name him John. I'm sure that Mary smiled. Mary ran to visit Elizabeth. She stayed with her three months. They praised the Lord. Mary went back home and John was born at once.
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