Fight Of Faith
For amongst you, some opposed me, pretending to fight the good fight. Like Satan cloaked their evil ways imitating angels of light. Are they the ministers of Christ? Have they given all for you? You've seen the way I've ministered. You know what I've been through. In labors more abundant; in prisons fearing death. Five times beaten with 40 stripes, save one. God gave me breath. Three times they beat me with their rods. Once stoned and left for dead. Shipwrecked three times, and hated. They sought to take my head. Weary and painful often, in hunger thirst and cold. While daily caring for all the church. So let the truth be told. It is not good that I should brag, so let me put it this way. Whether in the body or in the spirit, I certainly cannot say. God allowed one to see heaven, some fourteen years ago. He heard words that he cannot utter, God wanted him to know. To keep me from being filled with pride, God then gave me a thorn. Three times I prayed, remove it, this burden that I've born. God said grace is sufficient. Through weakness, I'm made strong. And then God worked miraculously to show you I belong. I will come to you this third time, as Titus whom I've sent. We've never asked you for support. Our lives we've freely spent. I hear there's sin among you. Repent. Don't make God wait. Examine, is the Lord in you? Lest you be reprobate. When I come don't make me chasten you. This is my humble prayer. So I write this in my absence, to warn before I'm there. Now peace and love and comfort, my wish for you has been. May the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, be with you all. Amen.
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