The Tabernacle
Moses from you I will start a new nation for this one does constantly sin. But Moses pleaded for Israel. God agreed, I'll forgive them again. God was so angry He said I will leave, and an angel will guide you instead. Again Moses begged and cried out to God. For the sake of his people he pled. Forgive this people, said Moses. Please stay. Do not go away. By your presence we know, we have grace in your sight. Undeserved, but we'll try to obey. God assured He would stay, then said Moses, Lord, may I see you? I will show you my goodness, you can't see my face, because you will die if you do. Recall Moses broke the two tablets? He was angry at what he saw. God said, come up on Sinai, make two tablets more, and upon them I'll write my law. When Moses returned he was glowing. His face shown so bright they were awed. God's law he directed. A tabernacle erected. A place to worship God. They brought wood, and curtains, gold and skins; silver and oil and jewels. Built a courtyard with pillars, curtains and hooks, the altars and laver with tools. They made clothes for the priests as instructed, with girdles and breastplates of linen. They decked them with stones in the order God gave, and that was just the beginnin'. A Holy of Holies was built in the court and an ark was placed inside. An altar of gold and altar of brass and a gate that could open up wide. Surrounding the court were the curtains, with loops to attach to the board. The priest's crown of pure gold with engraving. "Holiness to the Lord." When finished they showed it to Moses. He was pleased as he walked through the spread. You have crafted it well. You have followed God's plan. It is built just as the Lord said. So the tabernacle may be, the world's fanciest tent. A place to worship and pray, to the Lord with a pillar of fire by night, and a pillar of cloud by day.
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