The Philippian Church
Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ, to the church at Philippi. Confident Jesus will work in you 'till you see him eye to eye. Now some preach Christ of envy and strife, and some preach him of good will. But as long as Jesus is being preached, I rejoice and am happy still. For me to live is Jesus Christ, and for me to die is gain. I would love to depart and be with him, but for you I must remain. While we're here, do not be selfish. To help others is never a loss. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ. He is God, yet he suffered the cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him, with a name above every name. That to him every knee shall bow and confess, and each tongue shall do the same. Now if works could save, I'm a Hebrew. Among Jews, I was the boss. As touching the law, a Pharisee. But for Christ I now count this but loss. Oh that I might be like Jesus, as we'll be when we're raised from the dead. I'm not there yet, but I pressed toward the mark, for the prize, for Jesus our head. So always rejoice in the Lord. With prayer, let him know your request. He'll bring his peace to your hearts and minds, for God always knows what is best. Think on the things that are true; that are honest and just and pure. And the peace of God will be with you. Of this you can be sure. Then circumstances won't throw you. I have learned to be up or down. Through Christ I can do all things, for he sets me on solid ground. I thank you for all of your kindness. You've supported my ministry. My God will supply every need that you have, through Jesus, as he has kept me.
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