God Calls Moses
Moses stood before the bush, that burned without burning up. He heard as the Lord described to him, the Hebrew's bitter cup. The Pharaoh was oppressing them. It had been four hundred years. Now the time God promised Abraham came, to wipe away all of their tears. I have chosen you Moses, you are the one, to set my people free. But who am I Lord? A shepherd. One man. Why should they listen to me? Because I am with you. But what is your name? They will ask, by who's strong hand? When they ask who sent you, I'll give you a name. You tell them, the great "I Am." But more then that, you tell them this, as I speak from a burning shrub, the God of your fathers, of Abraham, of Isaac and Ja-cob. I will bring you up from slavery, to the place were Abraham stood, to the land of milk and honey, just as I promised I would. Get up and you tell Pharaoh, to let my people go. I'll smite Egypt with my wonders, because he will say, no. When I am done all Egyptians, will beg you to leave the land. They'll give silver and gold and jewelry and clothes and all that is in their hand. Moses questioned, they still won't believe me. God replied, you have a rod. Throw it on the ground. Now a serpent was found. Moses fled. You see I am God. God said, Moses, don't be fearful. Grab the serpent by the tail. Moses did and the serpent became a rod. I am God. You will not fail. I'll give you more signs for the people. They will know I have sent you to lead. But Lord I am not an eloquent man, Moses continued to plead. Who made your tongue? I made your mouth. Now go set my people free. Still Moses said Lord, send somebody else. Send anyone else but me. God's anger waxed against Moses. If you want me to send another. Another one comes. He's looking for you. Take Aaron, the Levite, your brother. The people who wanted to kill you, they are all dead now and gone. Get up Moses go back to Egypt, and bring your family along. So Moses packed up Zipporah, with his sons and told Jethro they'd leave. He met Aaron and they showed the Hebrews God's plan, and God made the people believe.
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